Monthly Archives: December 2013

10 Ideas to Improve Management Directive everyday. 6

Go to you more efficiently and it will increase the chances of success. Mentalízate, efficiency should not oppress you free, statistically the generally very creative people are also very organized and this skill is easily acquired by techniques and methods that improve performance. 1.-IMPROVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS, […]

The RFID technology and “INTERNET OF THINGS” 5

Es enorme el potencial que ya está aportando esta tecnología a la seguridad, data systems and different processes, both in business and in the management of any public or private entity. In this article I will explain, What is the RFID, how it works, qué […]

Intelligent Security for Hospitals. Care Quality and Cost Reduction. 2

In this article I will show you the shocking data affecting the Spanish Hospitals, in terms of adverse events (EAs), errors in procedures, afectación a la Calidad Asistencial e impacto económico. On the other hand, solution “intelligent” que mejoraría toda esta situación de forma eficiente y eficaz.