About me… 9

Hello friends, I am a Security and Business Consultant and Advisor, I have been Director Director of Development and Expansion of GRUPO EME, Provinen previously CEO of Security SA, Business Advisor at PIC GROUP S.À. and Safety Director. He studied at the UOC, UAO in different specialization courses. Psychology, Security Directorate, Business Management and Administration, Strategic Planning and Risk Prevention. Miss Pasiones; Integral Security, Psychology, ICT and Business Management. After 25 years of professional experience, I'm still learning, studying and developing new applications, the benefit of business management and personal growth.

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9 thoughts on “About me…

  • Jose Francisco Molina Carrion

    Congratulations, my friend. You have my full support in all that you undertake because you have more than enough capacity to carry it out, although currently I serve little… A hug, Ferran, and luck to reach the goal and achieve your goals.
    A big hug.

  • Bravo Fernando Rivero

    Blog Ferran Ruiz seems like a special channel in terms of thematic, contents, and exposing information.
    Conozco professionally Ferran Ruiz, and I do not doubt that is passionate about comprehensive security and all those related areas with which this profession is intertwined.
    I wish Ferran many successes with this gorgeous blog. Congratulations on your initiative.

    A hug.
    Fernando Rivero
    Loss Prevention Specialist.

    • Ferran Ruiz Post author

      Dear Fernando,
      Thanks for your comments, It is a great motivation that people like you, true professional and I would say even “guru” of loss prevention in this country, I dedicate these words.
      A hug,
      Ferran R.

  • José María Gil

    Good Morning, Ferran.

    I'm Maria Jose Gil, Roads Engineer, Channels and Ports.

    He has been assigned a project for the development of Self-Protection Plan an industrial estate with more than 200 ships. I found very interesting and useful documentation I found on their website but I wonder, which approach would give the project I have mentioned, and that being so many ships, I guess it must be something more general.

    Thank you very much.


  • Carla Galione

    Buenas tardes, My name is Carla Galione, I work in a health institution Córdoba and managers are interested in implementing mother newborn identification with RFID system. You could provide me information on how it works and who makes installation?
    Thank you so much

    • Ferran Ruiz Post author

      Hello Carla,
      I will be happy to provide all the information and contact the installation company. You can call Monday from 10am. the phone 659431894.
      Ferran R.