10 Ideas to Improve Management Directive everyday. 6

Go to you more efficiently and it will increase the chances of success. Mentalízate, efficiency should not oppress you free, statistically the generally very creative people are also very organized and this skill is easily acquired by techniques and methods that improve performance.imagen comunicacion

1.-IMPROVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS, dealing with people, headed, give instructions, recommend, make decisions involving people under our responsibility, (Contributors, customers and suppliers). We are not alone. Communicate persuasively means giving so much importance to what is said as to how to say. Pay attention to the following points:

  • Worry that others will listen and not because you hear.
  • Do not speak in a tone too low.
  • Modulates the voz, do not sleep with your listeners, record yourself and listen to yourself to improve.
  • Expresses enthusiasm in your presentation, raises his voice from time to time on the most important messages.
  • Haz questions related to exposure to tu tus partners from time to time to check that you follow national.
  • Use short sentences, think what you will say and do not talk for talking. No overload of information without clearly explaining what you're expressing, talking rapidly.
  • Speak up, note who got ahead and use the essential technicalities.
  • In conversations you must have delicate touch and be aware of the emotional reactions, you must have empathy and suggest solutions you propose to study.
  • Pay attention to nonverbal, the others and your own, your gestures and postures are appropriate for the conversation (In another article I will develop this important issue).
  • Be a good listener and listen actively, let the other person does not interrupt their exposure and.
  • Be patient and careful with whom you speak, may not be expressed as well as you. He asks that you kindly explain something in you has stayed clear, You will demonstrate interest.
  • Practice and become an expert in summarized 3 phrases messages you want to reach the other.


It is estimated that the world held a 70 million daily meetings. Contrary to what you think the majority of people, rarely are called to make decisions and exhibit skills if, work sharing and mutual support from participating, on the other hand, frecuentemente se producen enfrentamientos y en otras muchas ocasiones la gente es reacia a hablar, because they fear criticism or discredit new ideas. Later speak of how to do a good teamwork, which everyone talks, but few actually applied. Now, I will give a minimum indications to get more out of meetings or working committees.REUNION

  • Think you want to achieve with your particular intervention, tus sets goals.
  • Read the agenda and background documents for the meeting carefully. Find additional information about what most interests you and prepares you well intervention.
  • Scan well and learn who will participate in the meeting, try to know their predisposition toward issues that affect you.
  • Intelligently manages your emotions to get the most out of the meeting. If you're aggressive in an exhibition (uncommon thing), quickly adopts a conciliatory tone with any person who responds aggressively, disarm this to your "adversary". Show yourself generally moderate.
  • Always keep the enthusiasm, if I resist keeping a long meeting cool your enthusiasm, find the time in which you can enter your key idea and make your goal.
  • Be patient, listen to other people, analyzes of who is part of who, prepare your own argument and select the time of exposing.
  • Prepare questions that may make you, also prepares your questions to others, was shrewd. Certain questions may delay decisions to handle more information on the subject in question.
  • Remember that if you go into a meeting without a personal goal, come out of it without any personal success.

3.-Salesmanship. Como decía Shakespeare, "Be authentically yourself", any client or person you pretend to sell an argument that you do not believe what quickly detect.

Now, there are basic principles to decorate your natural talents to help sell.EL ARTE DE VENDER

  • Get people go IF your telling your exhibitions and do the same on the replicas, NO is a very difficult to turn.
  • Do not ever argue or have a little dispute with someone you want to sell something, You always lose.
  • Although flattery leads nowhere, used in small doses, with tact and intelligence helps sell much, "We're going to do", It is thus.
  • Listen to your partner with the greatest attention, experienced salespeople know that listening is more important than having glib, learn to guide the conversation so that the other explaye.
  • Smile, It is psychologically proven, a natural smile can convince.
  • Remember that the name of a person, for it is the sweetest and most important sound in your language, do not forget.
  • Demonstrate with your words that you know what "sell" yourself and what you buy, putting you on the other side of the conversation.
  • Competitive product or service to your patents showing the efficiency and profitability that can make purchasing.

4.-Decisions. If I had to summarize in one word the qualities that make a good manager, I'd say it comes down to the ability of decision. You can manage all the wonderful resources of the world, collect all the necessary information, make the best strategic plans, but in the end we must act and decide.

The best way to make important decisions as Benjamin Franklin invention, about two hundred years ago, analysis of "pros" and "cons". It's that simple, is developing two opposing lists who do not occupy more than one sheet.PROS Y CONS

She makes a few words each pros and cons that may arise on the situation analyzed. Must be honest and realistic list, in an incomplete analysis to justify self-tu decision previously taken, for this does not require any method.

After finishing this list, you can make a decision and justify that fit your goals or certain purposes.

Someone once said, "There is no greater solitude, making that final decision of a senior management ".LA TOMA DE DECISIONES

5.-Manages time efficiently. It seems incredible but it solo 20% of what we do throughout the day is really productive, the 80% is superfluous if not a waste of time evil advantage.

We all have habits and daily routines from sounding the alarm until you turn to get into bed. Besides barring unforeseen, they must also be prevented, know what the daily schedule. However, if not properly planned time, the day we are going, subjects leaving dilate open along week.GESTION DEL TIEMPO

Short root with that brand and unproductive time to devote to each task. Make a list of your regular activities and set a goal to close all outstanding issues and frozen in time. Do not upload the agenda too, but try to follow it to the letter and do not forget intervals marcarte short breaks every hour approx.

Use your valuable time wisely and do not let it disturb, telephone calls, Emails, no unforeseen urgent meetings, etc., etc.. Each of these activities must have a certain schedule and default.

Set yourself a time to each of the inescapable daily tasks and manages time you, he will not let you drive, 'll end up stressed and worse with the feeling of having too many outstanding things. Particularly I prefer to get up early, "Two hours earned to date are a treasure for the night". On the other hand, to 7 AM rarely interrupt you with llamadas the visits to your office. You can read, write and plan the day with confidence and productivity.

6.-Generar Ideas (magic words). Ideas do not fall from the sky, Archimedes, Einstein, Newton, all had long working, researching and thinking to give his famous principles or formulas. Thomas Edison himself said: "Genius is one 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration ".imagesQSSAOJQM

The basic idea is to sense any, that answers a question or specific demand. Hence, is important to conduct a thorough analysis of the problem or issue, often, a good definition of the problem leads to the right questions and the right ideas and solutions. This is the first creative act, the definition of the complex problem to solve.

To that end the ideas arise, ask yourself approach with prospect, precise know you subdivídelo analysis and if necessary, redúcelo the identification of phrases. Concreta tu meta, get all possible data that are objective. Be thorough in your research and analysis and finally produces several possible solutions. Working, working and working is emerging as the ideas.

7.-The cretividad. Different but related thing is creativity. There are many techniques to stimulate creativity and deserves a separate article. I'm going to suggest a couple, lateral thinking and idea box.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left performs vertical logical thinking (as mathematical functions, language, analysis, deduction, logic, etc. reasoning.), the right lateral creative thinking (functions as, imagination, color, music, rate, reverie, etc.), if we want to stimulate creativity right brain, as, with lateral thinking. Example:CREATIVIDAD

Vertical thinking; select, looking for what is right, one thing derives directly to the other, focuses on the relevance and moves in the likely directions.

Lateral thinking; changes, looking for what is different, premeditated jumps unbound deductions, welcomes casual instructions, explores unlikely things, crosses ideas, gives freedom of thought, be influenced by external stimuli or thoughts, uses analogies.


The Idea Box, is actually nothing more than a box where they are introduced all kinds of random ideas found, articles, interviews, Photos, thinking, work or shocking presentations, may someday serve as a stimulus for their originality. It is not copying anything, it is used as a stimulus generator creativity. Believe, simple but effective.

8.-El Brainstorming. What is and how it is done.

The first follower was J. Geoffrey Rawlinson, brainstorming is rain or brainstorm, also defined as the uncritical presentation of ideas. It is a way of getting a large number of ideas from a group of people, soon. The Rawlinson own generated over 1200 ideas in three hours for a food manufacturer gallinas, an idea each 11,3 seconds. It is not that we get into Guinness Book, but know how to use this fantastic method of generating ideas in meetings or individually.

As is. There are two essential principles, not develop critical judgments until after the generation of ideas, this allows to develop more quickly, after already indict two, quantity breeds quality, more ideas, more likely to arrive at the best solution.BRAINSTORM

Standards for Brainstorming:

  • Destructive criticism is taboo. The ideas are to be accepted or not, should not judge or make a participant feel ridiculous (this would be the major inhibitor of creation).
  • Welcome spontaneity, the more the better, about inventing.
  • Find combinations and improvements, well as contribute their own ideas, Participants can improve other and combine two days result in a third.
  • Not itemize. The ideas are expressed and recorded, not explained or defended.
  • Do not overlook the obvious. Sometimes the most logical and obvious is the best and can be improved.
  • Do not be afraid to repeat. It is normal again, remember not to criticize.
  • The objective is the amount. The more ideas generated there are more possibilities to find the right.
  • EL time spent should be 40 maximum minutes.

The screening and evaluation of ideas. Once all the ideas exposed, must be agile to discard worthwhile not be studied or analyzed and not waste time, ello to ask ourselves: Is it really new? Is it appropriate and practical? Who imply? Who bothered? How much will? How much will save? Will you require a more formal evaluation and work on it? If tu idea goes through all this sieve, defend it with enthusiasm, probablemente has tenido una idea brillante que será un éxito para ti y para tu empresa.

9.-Los siete componentes de la eficiencia personal

Hay siete componentes que te permitirán maximizar tus capacidades, tu potencial y tu éxito, dirigiéndote a ti mismo y a los demás de forma más eficiente.

Análisis. Esencial para tomar decisiones, solucionar problemas, comunicarte, administrar el tiempo y estudiar a los demás.

Desarrollo. Desarrollar aquellas habilidades que puedes mejorar, comunicación personal, presentaciones, creativity, técnicas de venta, comunicación escrita, etc..

Disciplina. Para luchar contra las distracciones, ganar tiempo extra al dia y para desarrollar cualidades de liderazgo y motivación.

Fuerza de voluntad. Es el móvil fundamental para conseguir desarrollar todos los componentes y crecer a nivel personal.

Listas. Ayudan a la memoria, permiten acumular ideas, sirven de guía para programar actividades y atacar problemas.

Preparación. Prepárate todo lo debas hacer por anticipado, preparación es sinónimo de ensayo.

Prioridades. Decide el orden de prioridades, acostúmbrate a decidir que es urgente, que es importante, que es prioritario, que es rutinario y que es desechable.

Si pones en práctica hábilmente todo lo comentado, no necesitaras ser un superhombre para alcanzar todos tus objetivos y metas.

10.-El trabajo en equipo.

Todos deseamos la eficiencia, hemos visto cómo mejorarla a nivel de individuo, pero otra manera es centrándose en el equipo. Hoy en día prácticamente nadie trabaja en solitario o aislado, la consecución de resultados depende en gran medida de la capacidad de aunar y coordinar los esfuerzos de las personas que trabajan juntas.LAS 5 C`s DEL TRABAJO EN EQUIPO

Está muy bien tener expertos o figuras en cada área, pero si estos no son capaces de trabajar en equipo, su talento estará infrautilizado y frecuentemente desperdiciado. Hay claros ejemplos en el deporte, equipos con grandes estrellas que no consiguen los títulos deseados por no tener la combinación adecuada y no trabajar para el equipo.

Una de las claves es la participación efectiva de todas las personas que forman el equipo, for this, es clave la participación del liderazgo de la empresa, es el líder quien tiene que motivar el trabajo en equipo e informar claramente a sus miembros que todos juntos deben crear los objetivos. Si es el equipo quien marca los objetivos, los harán suyos, se motivaran mucho más que cuando les sean impuestos. Independientemente de que la responsabilidad de la decisión final y la autoridad corresponde al líder del equipo.

El equipo debe ser una suma de conocimientos y habilidades individuales puestas a disposición de un objetivo común que logre la sinergia de todos ellos. Si en un equipo unos miembros se neutralizan unos a otros por intereses individuales el resultado será un fracaso.EQUIPO

Sin duda alguna la clave principal para que el trabajo en equipo triunfe y maximice su eficiencia, es la transparencia en las informaciones que cada miembro maneje, la sinceridad y el empleo de una crítica constructiva abierta en pro de las soluciones deseadas y el respeto personal y profesional entre sus miembros, en definitiva la confianza.

Si te ha gustado este articulo clica en me gusta y compártelo con tus contactos. También agradeceré tus comentarios.

About Ferran Ruiz

Hello friends, I am Security Consultant, he sido Director de Desarrollo y Expansión de GRUPO EME, Provinen previously CEO of Security SA, Business Advisor at PIC GROUP S.À. and Safety Director. He studied at the UOC, UAO and the Universal Mutual, Psychology, Security Directorate, Business Management and Administration, Strategic Planning and Risk Prevention. Miss Pasiones, Integral Security, Psychology, ICT and Business Management. After 25 years of professional experience, I'm still learning, studying and developing new applications, the benefit of business management and personal growth.

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