Want to know the history of the current Security Guard? 9

Here I present a brief biography of the figure we know today as Security Guard. Fun facts that reflect the importance it has had and has on society in which we live. In this digital age is still essential human element that offers protection, security and confidence. More and better trained and specialized, staff of the Private Security Sector and partner complements irreplaceable Public Safety.

The Civil Guard was founded on 28 March 1844 and five years after juries Guards existed, by an Order of the King and his Royal Regulation (November 8th was the year of 1.849), Guards were created first Juries. These should be:

"Men of good judgment and prestige among its people, yours to take care as it was of others and in the fields there, because not everything in the field is all "

But even before these early juries existed Guards organizations that ensured the safety of the state depended not, as could be; el somata, Save Forests Royal Fusiliers, La Santa Hermandad. Belonged to the Holy Brotherhood a group of men who traveled all roads pursuing and punishing people who stole or done anything outside the law. They had power to try and punish, and were feared and respected. It was instituted in the Courts of Madrigal 1476 (XV century), unifying the various brotherhoods that had existed since the eleventh century in the Christian kingdoms. This is, likely, the first really organized police force in Europe.

EL SOMATENEl somata was a Catalan and Aragonese institution vigilante character. In the beginning an armed civil protection, Army separately, for self-defense and land. Its beginnings come from sacramental, whose origins are in the collections made by the Parliament of Catalonia in 1068. (The photograph reflects an episode of their participation and key aid in the War of Independence)




The field security guards were first under the direction and supervision of the mayors, who should report. Each municipality established the uniformity, but everyone should wear a wide leather strap, in which the plate nailed FIELD GUARDIAN and the name of the municipality.

But by adapting the standard, by Royal Order of the Ministry of Development, Rural Child Care 9 August 1.876 (Gazeta de Madrid 12 August), under the reign of Alfonso XII, these are under the direction of the Civil Guard. The Field Guards Guards are now called Juries.

The Guardian Jury acted from 1.876 closely with the Civil Guard Corps, freehand earning a well-deserved vigilante image fi the, loud, hard, a man who was not afraid, who collaborated throughout with the law, and hard qualities and strong motivation.



The owner of the land to guard had to propose his appointment to the Mayor, and the Guardian Judge shall not serve as such until favorable reports of the Guardia Civil and swear before the Mayor, who issued his appointment. All Guards Juries are inscribed in a register kept Civil Guard.

He had a license to stop, or if any, shoot and kill in defense of the lives and property entrusted to him, as law enforcement; all under supervision and control of the Civil Guard. As established in Article. 102, which also requires him to cooperate fully with the Civil Guard. Always swore (in different ways according to the times) protect the interests placed under their custody, with loyalty to the established power.

One of the first Guard Jury is officially out of the rural areas are, might consider in the world-famous serene, wearing a uniform similar to the security police Franco, stick baton carried over 50 Cm, a Farolillo or linterna, and peak pike, it was like a kind of spear little less than five feet ending in a sharp punch. He wore gray peaked cap, with red band, eagle and shield insignia of Franco.

Also, a huge bunch of keys, that opened all sites where this good man fulfilled his obligations in the neighborhood.

But things change, due to the good results that gave the serene, this would lead to security guard for the protection of large industries during the dictatorship and establishing a legislative decree that authorized for internal use create a security. The first industries with ability to sort Guard such juries were oil companies. So, is CAMPSA who in Spain as the first private body Jury Duty Armed with the famous poplar, gun and bullet belt.GUARD PLATE

The first regulation of Vigilante Jury today we can find within banks by Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of 4 May 1946, published in the B.O.E. 130.

In our current era of Democracy used the following form of oath:

Do you swear or promise by his conscience and honor faithfully fulfill the duties of the position of Warden Jury loyalty to King, and observe and enforce the Constitution as the fundamental law of the State?VJ PLATE

A mid 70 companies appear, Franco disappears, enters democracy and King, and the laws change. It is the beginning of the end of the Vigilante Jury and as agent for the authority. It is a time somewhat ambiguous, because it still has authority, but you will start to notice that the people no longer fear losing respect for this figure. Paradoxically, begins to spread its use, through security companies, shopping center, developments and other areas. On the other hand, is more or less around this time that the National Police brown dresses leaving the famous gray uniform, and that is when you begin to notice that the police very smoothly and does not give much importance to the Warden we had before.

With the reinforcement of the police, Private security loses prominence, and the fact that people were closely linked to the Franco regime, gives some fear to those who believe they can be used as a private army to serve rightist ideals. Also, the guard is not as important in the chain of public authorities, even started to raise (speculate) with the possibility that ceases to be.

And what years later would: cease to be authoritative, that have a major impact on their ability to achieve efficient persuade the public. That happens with the Private Security Act (LSP) of 1.992, Statutory first rule governing the sector.

The LSP of 1992 contemplates not, for the first time in nearly a century and a half, the character of a law enforcement officer; separates watcher enabling gun license (once were set, and who did not approve the license could not be security guard); creates private escort specialties and explosive guard, and the fi gures of Heads of Security and Safety Directors; and still maintained, Now as another specialty of VS, camp guards, with variants of marine fisheries, hunt and fish farms. Expand training, by regulatory development, that should receive the Security Guard (VS), both initial and continuing; and schools also regulate private security training. For the first time no longer depends on the Civil Guard (except on arms, explosives and field guards), going to depend on the CNP.SECURITY GUARD

The CNP (National Police), with its structure and current name is derived directly from the Constitution of 1978, where he devoted two basic missions: "Protect the free exercise of rights and freedoms and ensure Safety».

The new Act also provides that only companies can have security guards. Last, became tighter regulation of gun services (that were all) and the gun stops being assigned to guard, that could bring her home and took care of it personally, to move to be deposited in the company gunsmiths or services to which it was assigned, regardless of who performs surveillance there.

In June of this year has been approved the draft of the new Law of Private Security in Spain.

14 / 06 / 2013 MADRID OFFICE

Observations have been made 44 organizations representing the private security sector, private detectives, unions, Jewelers Guild, FEMP and the Generalitat of Catalonia and by the reports of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, the National Competition Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration.

The new legal text defines private security as complementary, subordinate, colaboradora y controlada por la seguridad pública.

Private security companies can make new services that until now could not access private investigative assignments unless.

The Cabinet today approved the draft Private Security Act presented by the Minister of Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, to foster coordination and cooperation between sectors of public and private security, opens the possibility to provide new services demanded by society and were not included in previous legislation 1992. Also, la nueva Ley combatirá el intrusismo que conllevará graves sanciones como el cierre de aquellas empresas que infrinjan la nueva regulación. La seguridad privada en España ha experimentado un extraordinario desarrollo en los últimos años. This sector is composed 1.490 companies, with a staff of 85.000 people and a turnover of 3.215 million, according to the latest data available from a 2012.


Our country is one of the Member States with more police per capita (516 agents for each 100.000 people, compared to 385 half of the European Union). While, the number of private security guards stood at 195 each 100.000 people, 76 less than the European Union average.

From private security companies are putting much emphasis on the education and training of security guards, however, being an essential figure in many sectors of society, it is not just at its true value. Why Spain is below the European Union average?. Both the Administration and the Civil Society should use more efficiently the potential of these professionals and their companies. Clearly, the impact would be very beneficial for all, not only from the point of view of having a safer society, but, more profitable for the engine of the economy.

This post has been inspired by text: Metro123 (It Moderator forum of private security Foropolicia.es).

About Ferran Ruiz

Hello friends, I am Security Consultant, he sido Director de Desarrollo y Expansión de GRUPO EME, Provinen previously CEO of Security SA, Business Advisor at PIC GROUP S.À. and Safety Director. He studied at the UOC, UAO and the Universal Mutual, Psychology, Security Directorate, Business Management and Administration, Strategic Planning and Risk Prevention. Miss Pasiones, Integral Security, Psychology, ICT and Business Management. After 25 years of professional experience, I'm still learning, studying and developing new applications, the benefit of business management and personal growth.

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9 thoughts on “Want to know the history of the current Security Guard?

  • antonio marquez segura

    Buenas tardes, llevo casi 28 años en este oficio,por lo que fui VJ, Es verdad que entonces perecia que la sociedad nos respeteba mas,el llevar un arma de fuego intimidaba al ciudadano de mal vivir , y no se si asustaba al resto,pero me daba la impresion de no estar bien visto,en ninguno de los casos. Hoy dia el desprecio de la sociedad es abrumador,la prensa no ayuda si no al contrario solo informa de las malas actuaciones, cuando a lo largo del año debe de haber cientos de ciudadanos que han recibido el auxilio y el buen hacer de esta profesion, dudo mucho que algun dia seamos del todo bien recibidos…lo dudo mucho. En otro orden de cosas,hace falta mas y mejor preparacion,asi como una buena criba del personal,los uniformes son algunos pateticos,la imagen en el buen vestir es fundamental y causa la primera impresion de seriedad o de risa,el uniforme ha de ser algo policial y no parecer una banda de musica,Y si hablamos del sueldo no habria suficiente espacio para describir la pobreza del mismo.

    • Juan

      Let's see if we learn and, and we took off the blindfold. The customer care less which have a security guard or safety training is Superman. What you need and want in the 95% cases is a person who has enough neurons to call 112, and to press the button on the wall. Other skills will bring them hove, simply because they are not necessary abosolutamente. And these tasks are willing to pay the minimum. If there are clients with Security guards it is that the law requires them or leave them to account for insurance issues. Namely, The security guard did not really add any value to the customer needs. On the contrary, there would be no security auxiliaries, custodians, concierge attendants, janitors, etc.. This very well that the security guard make a course 180 hours with legal content, etc.. (then forget), but the client does not pay it because it simply is not absolutely necessary.
      At this point, to prevent the security guard disappear, I think it should be autonomous or could be hired as an employee by the customer, as in more advanced countries. In this case Antonío, if it would make a good screen industry, in which one would be the most prepared and the most honest, Customer profit margin of security companies would save, and society would look at us differently than they do now. Thus the figure of the security guard would have any chance of survival…

  • security69

    Totalmente comparto opiniones con Juan.la profesion es practicamente imposible de dignificar a estas alturas ,los medios y algunos cuerpos de seguridad del estado ponen su grano de arena sumado al poco compañerismo y el miedo a la empresa y a los clientes, hacen que socialmente nos vean como parias.
    Solo tenemos que entlar en cualquier foro de seguridad privada . Los insultos , los comentarios despectivos por pequeñeses, juzgando al compañero cuando la realidad esque el sector esta asi porque nadie hemos hecho gran cosa por el.
    ser autonomos a nivel emocional no daria la posibilidad de no estar batallando con la empresa que nos mueve a su antojo y el cliente nos tendria que respetar pues aqui si que ya tendriamos voz y voto, y no ser el segurata que si no me gusta al momento me traen otro.
    Y sin decir del plano economico que saldriamos muy beneficiados. (Por cierto en los paises europeos el trabajo de vigilante esta considerado un trabajo digno y valorado, la imagen social de degradacion solo es aqui en españa y portugal)

  • javier

    Hola caballero me llamo javier y soy exvigilante de seguridad estoy haciendo un master prevención de riesgos laborales y el TFM lo voy hacer sobre la seguridad privada he ido a diferentes sitios y no me han recibido toda la información que poseo la saco en internet si usted pudiera ayudarme con artículos se lo agradecería he estado trabajando en segurisa, eulen y esabe mi correo es pintor_gonzalez@yahoo.es

  • Samuel Malavé

    I am a professor of security officers,,es,My goal is that at the end of the course are identified as,,es,Security Professionals,,es,I emphasized during the course on values ​​such as respect,,es,tolerance,,es,loyalty,,es,humility,,es,good presence and responsibility,,es,My experience has been very positive and I am pleased that my students after graduation are hired by private security companies,,es,The high prestige of the College to offer the course also contributes significantly to the high degree of employability,,es,The College is the Academia Serrant in Ponce,,es,Puerto Rico,,es. Mi meta es que al finalizar el curso sean identificados como “Profesionales de Seguridad” . Enfatizo durante el curso en los valores como respeto, confidence, tolerancia, lealtad, humildad, buena presencia y responsabilidad. Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva y tengo la satisfacción que mis estudiantes luego de graduarse son contratados por Compañías privadas de seguridad. El alto prestigio del Colegio que ofrezco el curso contribuye además de manera significativa al alto grado de empleabilidad. El Colegio es la Academia Serrant en Ponce, Puerto Rico.

  • sergio

    In general well,,es,but you have bulk errors,,es,paramilitary militias mixtures as were the Somatenes,,es,with the guadas juries that had two branches one publishes those who worked for the town halls and another private those who worked for the different private estates,,es,the two identical conditions and sworn in by the mayor hence his name,,es,then you return to make the same mistake with the serene civil servants paid and at the service of the town halls and the germ of the local and municipal police, after their disappearance they were integrated into these,,es,The jump of the field guardian to the city was when they created the bodies of sworn nursery in the big Spanish companies RENFE had his,,es,CAMPSA had its own NATIONAL AIRPORTS,,es , pero tienes errores de bulto , mezclas milicias paramilitares como eran los Somatenes , con los guadas jurados que tenían dos ramas una publica los que trabajaban para los ayuntamientos y otra privada los que trabajaban para las distintas fincas privadas , los dos idénticas condiciones y juramentados por el alcalde de ahí su nombre.
    luego vuelves a cometer el mismo error con los serenos funcionarios públicos pagados y al servicio de los ayuntamientos y germen de las policías locales y municipales de echo tras su desaparición se integraron en estas.
    El salto del guarda de campo a la ciudad fue cuando se crearon los cuerpos de guardería jurada en las grandes empresas españolas RENFE tuvo el suyo, CAMPSA tuvo el suyo AEROPUERTOS NACIONALES (future AENA,,es,had his and big bank also including the bank of Spain that had its own emblems and uniformity as the aforementioned companies,,es,Their confusion may be due to the fact that the city councils also had officials who were vigilantes and sworn vigilantes, such as in Barcelona, ​​who were in the mid-20th century, the MUNICIPAL DIURNAL SURVEILLANCE.,,es,that were serene,,es,MUNICIPAL NOCTURNAL SURVEILLANCE,,es,that were also serene,,es) tuvo el suyo y grandes banco también incluso el banco de España que contaba con emblemas propios y uniformidad propia como las empresas antes mencionadas.
    Su confusión puede deberse a que los ayuntamientos también tuvieron funcionarios que eran vigilantes y vigilantes jurados como en Barcelona que a mediados del siglo XX estaba la VIGILANCIA DIURNA MUNICIPAL ( que eran serenos) la VIGILANCIA NOCTURNA MUNICIPAL ( que también eran serenos) THE URBAN GUARD that carried out work of traffic and little more leaving the citizen security and even the protocol of the town hall to the serene ones that counted on a showy uniform with feathered helmet and saber and finally I think that the cause of their confusion were the WATCHERS OF COMMERCE that were public officials paid by the merchants of an area and were dedicated to monitor the same,,es,Thank you very much for your contribution Sergio,,es .