BY HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Maslow (Psychologist)
1No Basic Needs (eat, drink, sleep)
2° Security and protection (in… health, Family, la had, work, resources, private property)
3º Amistad, Affection, Love, Relevance
4º Esteem, Confidence, Respect, Success
5° Self-realization, Independence, Freedom, Creativity
Safety and Security Needs
They arise when the physiological needs are satisfied. Refer to feel safe and secure:
- Physical Security (a shelter to protect us from climate) y de salud (feeding ensure future).
- Resource Security (education have, work, transporte y sanidad necesarios para sobrevivir con dignidad).
- Need to protect your assets and your assets (home, money, auto, etc.)
Once satisfied the requirements of Safety and Security, arise in this order the Social Needs, Esteem Needs and Self-Actualization Needs.
Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (1884-1942). Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematical, Physical, Psychologist, Economist and PhD in Anthropology, was the refounding of British social anthropology from methodological renewal based on personal experience of fieldwork and functional consideration of culture. As Maslow, also demonstrated in their work, the vital importance of security for man.
According to the theory of Bronisław Malinowski needs, security is one of the seven basic needs to be met by the man.
Clearly the importance of safety for anyone. In future articles we will go closer to a deeper understanding of security and its close relation to human behavior.
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